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Rapport et théorie du BDG par Ga***eu***b*7274 le  [Aller à la fin] | Ouvertures |
Je m'aperçois que des joueurs comme Hans Muller ont essayé de réfuter le BDG, mais sans succès!!

[4. ...Ff5! réfute le BDG (??), 1.d4-d5 2.e4-c5!!(?) est la réfutation (??) du BDG(Schiller)] Or, je vois aussi qu'une variante réfutée ne réfute pas tout le BDG! Comme contre le Ff5, on peut jouer Fg5, g4 ou fe, et ils (Diemer-Muller) n'ont analysé que fe-Ce4 Df3-Cd6 Dc8!(Fd6!!). Et je voudrais connaître les variantes à travailler avec les blancs! (s'il y en a!!!), et quelles sont les variantes incertaines? Je travaille surtout sur ces variantes pour l'instant, et donnez votre avis :

1.d4?!-d5?(e5!!) 2.e4!!-de 3.Cc3!-e5! 4.Dh5!!(4.Fc4?-Dd4! Ou 4.Ce4! mais ya beaucoup trop de théorie!! Après ed Fb5+ - c6 De2!???.) et il y a Cc6!, ed? Fc4!, Dd4? Fe3! Me manque-t-il des variantes dans ce contre-gambit facile à réfuter(!!)?
-Cf6 4.f3!-Ff5! (c6! Fc4!?, Ce4! ou fe!) 5.g4! (y a aussi Fg5! et fe! mais quelle variante est la plus expéditive? ) ma nouveauté pour ce qui suit! Fg6 6.fe!!N (6.g5?-Cg8! Suivi de e5! -= ou 6.h4!?) on revient à une variante très connue (voir plus haut) avec le coup g4 en plus! N'est-ce pas une bonne variante? (car je trouve aucune partie avec ces coups!)
-Cf6? 2.Cc3! (g4!!,c4!?) -Cf6 3.e4!-Ce4!?!? 4.Ce4!-de (cette position est fondamentale pour le BDG! Car on peut y passer par la défense indienne(1. ???-Cf6) et si l'on veut éliminer le contre-gambit Lemberg!) 5.Fc4!?(ou Ff4!?) la question se pose : quel est le meilleur coup? Difficile à répondre parce que Diemer n'en n'a pas joué beaucoup! (aussi bien des Hubsch; que des Bogart!).

Quels sont(étaient) les 3 meilleurs spécialistes du gambit Bogart? Et dans quelles positions peut-on reproduire l'idée Bogart? (comme 2.c4!?-e6 3.g4!?! 2. ???g6 3.g4!?!! et aussi dans le benko et dans la bénoni! et bien d'autres!). Précisez-moi bien les coups!

Voci un article intéressant Je ne pense pas que 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Cc3 Cf6 4.f3 Ff5 5.g4 Fg6 6.fxe4?! soit bon pour les blancs, parce que sur 6...Cxe4 d'habitude on joue 7.Df3, autorisé du fait que la dame attaque le fou en f5 mais là, il est en g6! et sur 7.Df3 les noirs jouent simplement 7...Dxd4

Et sur 7.Fg2!? Cxc3 8.bxc3 c6, je pense que les noirs tiennent avec un jeu solide, le fou g6 est très fort ici je trouve.

Sur la variante 1.d4 Cf6 2.Cc3 d5 3.e4 Cxe4! 4.Cxe4 dxe4 5.Fc4! Sur la variante 1.d4 Cf6 2.Cc3 d5 3.e4 Cxe4! 4.Cxe4 dxe4 5.Fc4! ; C'est que le jeu est simplifié, donc moins d'attaque.
Tous les blitz que j'ai joués avec le BDG, mes adversaires ont joué 3...dxe4, ce qui est une bonne chose, puisque comme tu l'as dit on évite la variante Lemberger...
Mais on est jamais a l'abri de 3...Cxe4!

Reyes, le
Ha bon ? Sur la variante 1.d4 Cf6 2.Cc3 d5 3.e4 Cxe4! 4.Cxe4 dxe4 5.Fc4! ; C'est que le jeu est simplifié, donc moins d'attaque.
Diemer disait déjà en son temps du gambit Hübsch ... [le BDG] doit être même plus virulent, les Noirs se sont privés volontairement de leur plus importante pièce de défense. (Diemer 1958)

Ouai reyes je connais cette citation de diemer Mais je ne sais pas, je trouve que les noirs ont une bonne position, après ces coups...
Y'aurait-il un exemple qui me prouve le contraire?

Concernant le Hubsch... 5.Fc4 est quasiment réfuté en ligne par 5...Cc6.
Diemer a joué 5.Ff4 de façon intéressante et perso je pense que 5.Fe3 est très !? aussi.

Ah tu vois reyes? ;o) Cc6 avec l'idée e5 en effet

Reyes, le
Pour Kaspamnik Demuydt,G - Seknadje,J (2165) [D00]
APSAP (6), 02.11.1996

1.d4 Cf6 2.Cc3 d5 3.e4 Cxe4 4.Cxe4 dxe4 5.Fc4 Cc6 6.Fe3?! (c3!) Dd6?! (e5!) 7.c3 Dg6 8.Ce2 Fg4 9.Da4 Fxe2 10.Fxe2 Rd8 11.0-0-0 a6 12.d5 Ce5 13.Td4 Cd3+ 14.Fxd3 exd3 15.Td1 Dxg2 16.T4xd3 g6 17.d6 exd6 18.Dd4 Tg8 19.Df6+ Re8 20.Fg5 h6 21.Te3+ Rd7 22.Dxf7+ Rc6 23.Dc4+ Rd7 24.De6+ Rc6 25.Dxg8 Dxg5 26.Df7 h5 27.f4 Dg4 28.Te8 Fh6 29.Dd5+ Rd7 30.Txa8 Fxf4+ 31.Rb1 Fe5 32.Tf8 1-0

Evidemment... si les noirs ne jouent pas e5 après Cc6 ca n'a rien de critique!

sur le BDG Kaspamnik pourrait peut-être nous redonner le lien cliquable sur intitulé BDG dans son profil et qui a été augmenté il y a peu. Quant au Gambit Huebsch (3.Cxe4), voici une bonne approche :

by Glenn Budzinski (sur

So, what happens when a GM is confronted with the BDG ? How does he respond?One of the more popular ways of meeting the BDG is with the Huebsch Gambit, 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 e4 and now, instead of the routine ...dxe4, Black responds ...Nxe4.

The Huebsch is a variation about which there is a certain amount of confusion. First, it is not an independent opening system but a part of the Blackmar-Diemer complex. In fact, it is usually included in opening books about the Blackmar-Diemer as a separate chapter and virtually never stands on its own. (However, At least one monograph has been written devoted strictly to the Huebsch "Hubsch Gambit" by Pape, Jensen and Birk which, unfortunately, is no longer in print and was unavailable to me in writing this article.) Second, despite being named in honor of an unknown player , Huebsch, who achieved a spirited victory in 1922 with the White pieces over the renowned Saviely Tartakower (see the Games Section at the end of this article), the variation is initiated by Black, who plays ...Nxe4 instead of ...dxe4 which is the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit proper. (Since it was Tartakower who played ...Nxe4, wouldn't it be correct to refer to the line as the "Tartakower Variation", rather than the Huebsch Gambit?) There is even an issue regarding the spelling of the name "Huebsch", who was so unfamiliar that sources are divided as to whether it's "Huebsch" or "Hubsch". My preference is "Huebsch", since that's the spelling I've seen used in the Tartakower game, which could amount to nothing more than a misspelling by the compiler of the game score.

There are several attractions to playing the Huebsch as Black. Given the minimal amount of scholarship, there is still plenty of room for implementing one's own ideas and analysis, and little fear of being caught in a 20 move-deep line of theory that you don't know and your opponent does. It is also a variation that may contain certain surprise value to a BDG opponent who may be aware only of the more publicized lines favorable to White, not realizing that many of the lesser-known lines may give Black at least equality.

One administrative note before we launch into our investigation: all games not cited in their entirety within the text can be found in the Games Section at the end of this article.

Thus, after the sequence (or transposition thereto) 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 e4 Nxe4 4 Nxe4 dxe4, according to most BDG theoreticians, the popular choice for White is 5 Bc4. (An alternative, 5 Bf4, will be discussed later.) For example, Sawyer writes that "Highly rated BDGers usually choose to play this Bishop move. Other moves are playable, but [I] will not bother to consider them"; Chess Cafe columnist Gary Lane, in his "Blackmar-Diemer Gambit", notes that "It is difficult to believe that White can expect much success from the alternatives" and "Nunn's Chess Openings" merely stops after 5 Bc4 and assesses the position as unclear.

Some theory does exist in the 5 Bc4 variation. Praxis, as presented in the literature on the Huebsch, indicates that there are at least five common responses: e6, Bf5, g6, c5 and Nc6. If one examines nothing more than tournament results for the popular moves, one can reach a conclusion that White is better. By looking a little deeper, however, I suggest that Black may be able to hold his own at minimum in three of the five lines: g6, c5 and Nc6. Let's examine all five choices, focusing as much as possible on how GMs, IMs and strong masters have handled the positions.

Experience with 5...e6 indicates that it may be the least promising of all of the alternatives for Black, at this point. Although White won a piece in Diebert-Kudrin, 1985 Philadelphia Futurity, after 6 c3 Bd6 7 Qg4 0-0 8 Bg5 e5 9 Qh4 Qe8 10 Ne2 exd4 11 Nxd4 h6 12 Be3 Kh7 13 g4 Qe5 14 g5 Nd7 15 0-0-0 Nc5 16 Rdg1 Be6 17 Nxe6 Nxe6 18 Rg4 Bc5 19 g6+ fxg6 20 Rxe4 Bxe3+ 21 fxe3 Qg5 22 Bxe6, the game ended in a draw when White returned the piece in time pressure. (For the record, according to Serper in "New In Chess Yearbook 46" [NIC YB] from 1998, Black has an improvement in 6...c5 7 Be3 cd4 8 Bd4 Nc6 9 Be3 Qd1 10 Rd1 a6, with the advantage in Szonyi-Csiszar, 1995 Zalakaros.) Diebert-Kudrin actually looks good for Black, compared to the main line of Gy. Meszaros-Waldmeier, 1994 Lenk, cited by both Lane and Sawyer: 5...e6 6 Nh3 (Sawyer calls this a "favorite of the stronger BDGers") 6...Be7 7 c3 0-0 8 0-0 Nd7 9 Qe2 h6 (Lane gives Nf6 as leading to only a "slight space advantage for White") 10 Qxe4 Nf6 11 Qe2 c5 12 dxc5 Bxc5 13 Bf4 Bd7 14 Rad1 Qc8 15 Be5 Be7 16 Nf4 Re8 17 Rfe1 Nd5 18 Nh5 Bf6 19 Qg4 1-0.

According to Lane, "In tournament play, [5...Bf5] is one of the most popular replies." It also seems to be the favorite choice among GMs and strong masters who have to face the BDG/Huebsch. Perhaps the strongest over-the-board player who regularly essays the Blackmar- Diemer is Charles Diebert, who has played - and defeated - some of the best players in the US, many of whom have tried 5...Bf5.

Tom Purser in "Blackmar-Diemer Gambit World" identifies the stem line as 6 g4 (White can also try 6 c3 as in Diebert-Blocker, 1983 Columbus, Ohio which resulted in a White win) 6...Bg6 and follow the game Diebert-Rohde 1985 Philadelphia, which ended in a win for the GM, although White had good chances throughout and may have even missed an opportunity for victory. Black can deviate early, however, with 6...Bd7, which did not work out especially well for GM Benjamin, who lost with it against Diebert in a 1986 Columbus, Ohio tournament. Continuing with Diebert-Rohde: 7 Ne2 (Another idea pointed out by Purser is 7 h4, which led to a quick White win in the 1977 game Welling-Cobben) e5 8 Be3 Qd6 9 c3 Nd7 10 h4 h5 11 Ng3 Nb6 12 Bb3 exd4 13 Bxd4 c5 14 gxh5 Bxh5 15 Nxh5 cxd4 16 Qg4 Qe5 17 0-0-0 Qxh5 18 Qxe4+ Be7 19 Rde1 Qc5 20 Rh3 Rd8 21 Rf3 Rf8 22 Rf5 Qd6 23 Re5 Rd7 24 c4 d3 25 Re3 Kd8 26 c5 Qc7 27 Kd1 d2 28 Rc3 Bf6 29 cxb6 Qxe5 30 Qxe5 (According to Diebert, 30 bxa7! Qa5 31 Qa4! Qxa4 32 Bxa4 Ke7 33 Re3+ would've given him compensation for his pawn-minus.) 30...Bxe5 31 bxa7 Ke7 0-1. Despite Rohde's victory in this game, Black's results with 5...Bf5 have been less than encouraging.

Sometimes the popular choices are not necessarily the best choices. Such is the situation here. Black can certainly improve upon 5...e6 or 5...Bf5. One reply that appears better than its reputation is 5...g6. Invariably, the game Diebert-Hayes, 1986 Columbus, Ohio (Cardinal Open) is cited as the main line (suggested by both Lane and Sawyer), which saw White win after 5 Bc4 g6 6 f3 Bg7 7 c3 exf3 8 Nxf3 0-0 9 0-0 c5 10 Ng5 e6 11 dxc5 Qc7 12 Qd6 Qxd6 13 cxd6 Bd7 14 Ne4 Bc6 15 Nf6+ Bxf6 16 Rxf6 Rd8 17 Bh6 Nd7 18 Rf4 Ne5 19 Rd1 b5 20 Bb3 a5 21a4 bxa4 22 Bxa4 Bxa4 23 Rxa4 f6 24 Be3 Ra6 25 Bc5 Rc6 26 Rxa5 Nc4 27 Rb5 Nxb2 28 Rb1 Na4 29 Rb8 Rcc8 30 Rxc8 Rxc8 31 Ba7 Nxc3 32 d7.

However, instead of the obliging 7...exf3, Black can try either 7...c5 or 7...0-0 and seems to be able to hold his own with relative ease, in both cases. For example, Sawyer includes Birchbeer- Diesen, a 1995 game played on the ICC, when Black won on time after 7...c5 8 Qb3 0-0 9 dc5 Nd7 10 Be3 Qc7 11 fe4 Nc5 12 Qc2 Be6 13 Be6 Ne6 14 Nf3 Qc4 15 Nd2 Qa6 16 Kf2 Rad8 17 Rhe1 Rd3 18 Nf3 Rfd8 19 Kg1 b6 20 Qf2 Qc4 21 Nd2 Qc6 22 Rf1 Rf8 23 Rad1 Qd7 24 Qe2 Rd8 25 Qf2 Qe8 26 h4 h5 27 Rde1 Nc5, and was probably no worse than equal throughout. The same can be said for Black after 7...0-0 in Dowling,-Men, 1993 Springfield,Ohio, which continued with 8.fxe4 e5 9.Nf3 exd4 10.cxd4 Bg4 11.Be3 Nc6 12.Bd5 Nb4 13.Bb3 Qe7 14.e5 Rad8 15.Bg5 Qxg5 16.Nxg5 Bxd1 17.Rxd1 Bh6 18.h4 Nc6 19.Nf3 Na5 20.h5 Nxb3 21.hxg6 Kg7 22.axb3 fxg6 23.Ke2 g5 24.Rh5 g4 25.Ng5 Kg6 26.Rxh6+ Kxh6 27.Ne6 c6 28.Nxd8 and a draw was agreed upon.

Another line that looks good for Black once one digs beneath the surface is 5...c5. Given the move's favorable track record, it's hard to understand why it hasn't been a more popular response by players of the Black pieces in the Huebsch. In fact, after 5...c5 6.Qh5 g6 (5...e6 is not recommended; see Zintgraff-Dick and Soller-Thalmann) Black won in Diebert-Floyd, 1985 Columbus, Ohio which continued 7 Qxc5 Nc6 8 Bb5 Bd7 9 d5 e5 10 d6 Qf6 11 Be3 Bxd6 12 Qd5 0-0-0 13 0-0-0 Bc7 14 Ne2 a6 15 Bc4 Be6 16 Qxe4 Bf5 17 Qf3 e4 18 Bg5 Qxg5+ 19 Qe3 Qxe3+ 20 fxe3 0-1 and Horn-Diebert, 1986 Columbus, where White tried 8 Be3, but went down to defeat in 24 moves. Even early deviations by White don't seem to help his cause, such as 6 c3, which led to a 19 move draw in Diebert-Schulien, 1984 Ohio and 6 d5, which resulted in an advantage for Black in T. Fischer-Vieten, 1988 Dortmund. (However, White did garner a quick victory with 6 d5 in the ICC game Birchbeer-Schimpf from 1996, as given by Sawyer.) The main line here would seem to be 7 Qc5 Nc6 8 Bd5 Bd7 (Rebel 10 software likes 8...Bd6 but analyzes it as leading to an advantage for White; 8...Bg7 saw White win in 32 moves in another Birchbeer-schimpf game from ICC. We are told by Sawyer that "Birchbeer" is a pseudonym for an IM, but what kind of a player is "schimpf"?) 9 Qc4 e6 10 Be4 Qh4 11 Qd3 f5 12 Bc6 Bc6 13 Nf3 Qg4 (simple and perhaps even stronger might be 13...Qe4+) 14 0-0 Bf3 15 Qf3 Qf3 16 gf3 Rc8 17 c3 Bd6 18 f4 b5 19 Bd2 Kd7 20 b4 a5 21 ba5 Rc4 22 Rfb1 Kc6 23 a4 ba4 24 Kf1 with a draw in the 1996 correspondence game Felber-Schulien. White appears to get nothing against 5...c5.

Interesting is the move 5...Nc6. After the obligatory 6 c3, Sawyer points out 6 possibilities for Black: 6...Bd7, Qd6, g6, Bf5, e6 and e5. Although 6...Bd7 may hold some promise, (see Jacobsen-Hjortshoj, 1992 Denmark), except for 6...e5, the others appear to favor White. It is 6...e5 that was played in the 1997 GM blitz encounter between Serper and Wilder at the ICC and the move that I wish to consider the main line in this variation. This game was also the subject of Serper's article in NIC YB. While Serper-Wilder continued with 7 d5, it is worth noting that Diebert-Bisguier, 1985 World Open, saw 7 Qb3 Qf6 (7...Qd7 was Diebert-Bukovac, 1986 Buckeye Open, a 31-move victory for White), with the result being a draw in 62 moves.

In any event, after 5...Nc6 6 c3 e5, in this little-explored position, Black has three ways to respond to 7 d5: 7...Ne7, Na5 or Nb8. After 7...Ne7, White's best course appears to be 8 f3, recommended by Smith and Hall in "Winning with the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit" and Serper in NIC YB. (According to Serper, 8 Qa4 is best met by 8...Bd7 9 Qb3 Nf5 10 Qb7 Nd6 11 Qa6 Be7, when Black has the advantage. Lane, on the other hand, conflicts with Serper's assessment of this position, writing about 8...Bd7 that it "is well met by 9 Qb3 threatening Qxb7 and d6". ) But, with correct play after 7...Ne7 8 f3, Serper cites 8...ef3 9 Nf3 Ng6 10 h4 Bd6 11 h5 Ne7 12 h6 g6 13 Bg5 0-0 14 Bf6 e4 15 Ng5 Bg3 16 Kf1 as unclear, meaning that 7...Ne7 might be worthy of further examination as a Black alternative.

After 7...Na5 8 Be2 b6 9 Qa4+ Bd7 10 Qxe4 Bd6 11 g4 c6 12 Be3 cxd5 13 Qxd5 Bc6 14 Bb5 Qd7 15 Bxc6 Qxc6 16 0-0-0, one would be hard-pressed to disagree with Smith and Hall, who comment "Now, Pape, Jensen and Birk in their booklet Hubsch Gambit give equality here; we believe White has the edge, because his King is safer and the Be3 is stronger than the Bd6."

The move that might give Black the best chances after 7 d5 is 7...Nb8. White can now proceed in three ways: 8 Ne2?!, Be3 or Qe2, the latter of which is reputed to be the best of the bunch. The first try, 8 Ne2?! can be quickly dismissed. Serper views it as dubious after 8...Bc5 9 Ng3 Qh4, when Black already appears to have seized the initiative. In fact, Black won from this position in Meszaros-P. Sinkovics, 1994 Hungary.

There is also 8 Be3. While Black went down the drain in the 1990 game Muller-Metzger after 8...Bd6 9 Qh5 Qf6?! 10 Bb5+ Bd7 11 Qe2!, there are better ways to handle the second player's position. One obvious improvement is 8...Nbd7 9 Nh3 Nb6 10 Bb5+ Bd7 11 Qb3 f6 12 0-0 Bxb5 13 Qxb5+ Qd7 14 Qxd7+ Nxd7 15 Rfe1 0-0-0 and Black looks to be a pawn ahead without any apparent danger lurking on the horizon.

Even after Serper's 8 Qe2, the move he played against Wilder in the ICC game, Black should be able to hold his own. Rather than continuing with Wilder's 8...Bd6, considered dubious by Serper, Black looks to get a viable position by following Serper's suggestion of 8...f5! leading to 9 Nh3 Bd6 10 Bg5 Be7 11 Bd2. At this point, the game may transpose into the variation cited by Serper if Black plays 9...Be7 instead of Bd6: 9...Be7 10 Bd2 Nd7 11 0-0-0 Nf6 12 fg3 f4 13 Bb5 Kf8 14 fe4 Bg4 15 Qd3 Bd1 16 Rd1 h6 17 Nf4 ef4 18 e5 Nd5 19 Qf5 Kg8 20 Qe6 Kf8 21 Qf5 with equality.

However, there is still the question of what does Black play after 11 Bd2. Given the lack of tournament praxis with this position, I enlisted some mechanical assistance and plugged the position into Rebel 10 software, which offered 11...a6 12 f3 b5 13 Bb3 exf3 14 Qxe5 (14 Qxf3 leads to Rebel 10 Analysis "A"- see the Games section - which may be winning for Black) 14...Nd7 15 Qxg7 Bf6 16 Qh6 Qe7+ 17 Kd1 fxg2 18 Rg1 Bb7 19 Qh5+ Qf7 20 Qxf5 Nc5 21 Re1+ Kd8 22 Ng5 Qg7 23 Kc2 Rf8 24 Qxh7 Bc8 25 Qxg7 Bf5+ 26 Kd1 Bg4+ 27 Kc2 Bf5+ 28 Kd1 Bg4+ with, believe it or not, a draw by repetition. Certainly, considerably more practical experience is needed before anything definitive can be said about 5...Nc6 and specifically 7...Nb8. The early returns regarding this particular variation, however, do not look unfavorable for Black.

But, if White really wants to take his opponent out of virtually all known theory and into the chess world's black hole, 5 Bf4 should do it. It wouldn't surprise me, however, if this move eventually turns out to be White's preferred method of playing against ...Nxe4.

According to Lane, 5...Bf5 "looks best" against 5 Bf4. Given the less than encouraging results with the alternatives, one is initially inclined to agree with him. For example, 5...Nd7 is Diemer- Durao, a quick White victory; 5...e6 can be met by either 6 f3 as in Kampers-Define or 6 Qd2, Bertolo-Deleplanque, both leading to wins for White; nor does 5...Nc6 doesn't inspire much confidence after 6 Bb5, seen in the Stummer-Bonner match games.

However, even 5...Bf5 may not be that very appealing for Black. One of the earliest and most convincing (at least from White's perspective) examples is Diemer-Schroeder, a game from a 1956 simul given by one-half of the Blackmar-Diemer team: 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4 Nxe4 4.Nxe4 dxe4 5.Bf4 Bf5 6.f3 e6 7.Qe2 exf3 8.Nxf3 c6 9.0-0-0 Bd6 10.Ne5 h6 11.g4 Bh7 12.h4 Qc7 13.g5 Bf5 14.Bh3 Bxh3 15.Rxh3 h5 16.Bh2 Nd7 17.Ng6 Rh7 18.d5 cxd5 19.Rxd5 Bxh2 20.Rxh2 Kd8 21.Ne5 1-0 But there may be a fly in the ointment, since 7...Qxd4 (rather than the conciliatory 7...exf3?!) leaves Black 2 pawns to the good after 8 Qb5+ Nd7 9 c3 Qb6.

Instead of 6 f3 as in Diemer-Schroeder, White tried 6 Qe2 in Stummer-Homann, one of several games played between these two German masters in 1994 to test the 5 Bf4 variation. Although the game was drawn, perhaps Black had an improvement in 11...h5 12 h3 e6 13 f3 hxg4 14 hxg4 Rxh1 15 Bxh1 exf3 15 Nxf3 0-0-0 16 Nh4 Bh7 17 Nf3 Be7, when Black must be better because of his extra pawn.

Of course, all of these lines in the Huebsch could certainly benefit from more practical tests, especially the 5 Bf4 variation. Black may be able to confidently meet 5 Bc4 with either 5...g6, 5...c5 or 5...Nc6. Although Black may only rarely face 5 Bf4, he should encounter few difficulties holding his own against the two most logical White 6th move tries, 6 f3 and 6 Qe2.

In summary, the Huebsch (3...Nxe4) is hardly a bust to the Blackmar-Diemer. But, on the other hand, Black need not tremble with fear of being blown off the board. There are several relatively clear paths for him to achieve at least an equal position, as long as he plays carefully and doesn't throw caution to the winds.

Ouai en effet J'aurais du y penser...

c'est par ici

euh... Moi, je dis que Keres avait raison, le meilleur moyen de réfuter un gambit c'est justement de l'accepter!!!

Ref magicpuchol Le BDG est peut-etre mauvais, mais il n'existe aucune réfutation officielle a ce jour, et si tu joues avec les noirs contre ce gambit en l'ayant accepté, reste bien sur tes gardes, et j'espere que tu n'es pas cardiaque !

'AntoineDoisnel' Peux-tu traduire cet english? Ou donne les coups seulement! Pour moi, la variante Fc4!?-Cc6! c3!-e5! d5!-Ce7! f3!! (d'apres Stummer) les noirs se trouvent mal! Et si Ff5 dans l'exouverture, alors Db3! qui menace f7 apres un d6!, ou b7 : ce qui est mortel! Car le Ff5 ne participe pas à la defense! (mais apres g4?-Fg6! defend f7!) Mais il y a 7! facons differentes de contrer le Lemberg avec des chances de gain!, donc les noirs, s'ils connaissent peu, ont du mal à batailler! Donc on s'en fou psycologiquement de e5! Aussi comme l'a dit Kaspamnik, dans l'hubsch, malgres que les noirs ont échangé leur meilleure piece de defense, ils se trouvent tout de meme dans une situation calme, donc je propose que sur 1.Cf6, on joue soit g4!!, soit c4!?!!(en continuant par g4! dans des variantes!!telles que e6 nimzo, ...b5 benko, c5..e6 beno.....ou h4!...h5!! contre la double Grunestindi), soit e4!?(GambitOmega), ou alors dans le hubsch, sur Ce4 on joue Df3!? ou Fd3!? entrant dans une sorte de gambit omega (e4!? contre Cf6), qui est bon! Ou des le debut ne pas jouer d4!?(car e5!!(e4!?) et Cf6!(g4!!)) mais Cc3!?!(a6!), g4! ou e4!?!(e5!, c5! et g5!?) (g4!?-d5? e4!! gambit Englund inversé! et si e5 alors Cc3! suivi de e4!? et g5!?) Pour en finir, 1.d4-Cf6!(d5 e4!!) g4!! Et je cherche de bons sites à part mjae de ce gambit. Mais connaissez-vous des joueurs qui ont ou qui jouent(é) le gambit Humphrey et le gambit Hubsch avec les blancs? Car jai entendu que Gedult l'a beaucoup joué(Hubsch) mais je ne trouve qu'UNE partie!! Où sont-ils??(parties et liens)

sur le gambit Humphrey Bogart tu ne trouveras rien d'autre que mes pages sur le mirifique ;o) Eh oui, c'est moâ le Maître du monde ;o)))

enfin, si tu m'envoies un mail (cf. profil), je peux t'indiquer des p'tites choses sur 1.d4 Cf6 2.g4

J'ai trouvé!!! d4! ou e4! : 1.d4!-Cf6! Cc3!(ou g4!!)-d5! Fg5!!-e6 e4!+- -Ff5 f3!-Cbd7 e4!!+- d4!-d5? e4!!+- ou 1.e4!-d5? d4!!+- -e5? Cc3!!/Fc4!!/Ce2!!/d4!!/f4!!/Fb5!! mais pas Cf3? d5!!/f5!!/De7! -c5? d4!!-cd c3!!+- mais -Cc6! ou -d6! Alors AntoineDoisnel, donne-moi ton émail! Car où as-tu rouvcé des trucs à part mjaé?? Si c secret donne-la!

réf. gambteurfob j'ai ajouté mon e-mail dans mon profil.

Problème pour mon site Voila je fais un site sur le BDG ( et j'ai un gros problème avec la variante Ziegler 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Cc3 Cf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Cxf3 c6 . Ici je propose 6.Fc4 Ff5 7.Ce5 e6 8.0-0 mais je ne trouve absolument rien sur la suite 8...Fg6. Si vous avez des idées interessantes apres 8...Fg6 ou meme avant sur cette variante n'hésitez pas à m'ecrire

Antoine, ca marche pas ton adresse, va dans un de tes messages et copie ton adresse et colle la là. Super tu as oublié plein de variantes comme le gambit Blackmar! 3.f3!! apres de, sous le feu de la dame à la Steinigorine! Et d'autres gambits et de variantes! Et un petit historique!

je vais faire comme toi ;-) 3.f3?? e5!! -+

alors fe!!

réf gambteurfob mon mail fonctionne très bien. Bien sûr, remplacer "chez" par "@".

non meme pas

et pourtant ! 

c amarché! mais jattenfds avec impatience les reponses des 2 speudos!

Reyes, le
Un exemple Tim Sawyer - Killer Grob (2500/2700)
ICC 1998.

Tim précise dans son livre, qu'il a travaillé cette variante contre l'ordinateur Killer Grob, sur 26 parties. Il a commencé par perdre les 9 premières, puis le score s'est égalisé, puis inversé et l'ordinateur a refusé de jouer contre lui.

1.d4 Cf6 2.Cc3 d5 3.e4 dxe4 4.f3 exf3 5.Cxf3 c6 6.Fc4 b5 7.Fd3! Fg4 8.0-0!? Fxf3 9.Dxf3 Dxd4+ 10.Fe3 Dg4 11.Df2 a6 12.a4 b4 13.Ff5 Dh5 14.Ce4 Cxe4 15.Fxe4 e6 16.Ff3 Df5 17.Tad1 Fe7
[17...Dg6 18.Dd2 Fe7 19.Fxc6+ Cxc6 20.Dd7+ Rf8 21.Dxc6 Te8 22.Td7 +/-]
18.Dg3 0-0 19.Fxc6 Dxf1+ 20.Txf1 Cxc6 21.c3 bxc3 22.bxc3 +/-

oui mais c pas le plus genant 6...b5 n'a pas l'air super non plus! Franchement 6...Ff5 c super relou!

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